Seweryn Krajewski Foundation was founded in 2012 with the purpose of popularizing the works of Seweryn Krajewski.
One of Foundation’s first goals is cataloging and protecting of all the artist’s work. The archive will serve as the only reliable source of information for people who are interested in Seweryn Krajewski’s work and hopefully it will inspire those of the future generations who never had a chance to become familiar with Mr. Krajewski’s work. We hope that using new media technologies will make it more user friendly.
The Foundation also wants to become a modern and reliable source of information about Seweryn Krajewski, his career, people he collaborated with, and places important to his career; hence the idea to collect and catalog images, recordings, and memorabilia.
The Foundation intends to pursue its goals through activities in the field of music publishing, film and books.
Seweryn Krajewski Foundation.
Registered office: ul. Nowy Swiat 59/14, Warszawa
NIP: 5252534637
Code: 146209280
KRS: 0000426408
The Board: Seweryn Krajewski